Virginia Synod Kairos 2023
Jun 25, 2023
Upcoming Event

Virginia Synod Kairos 2023

Kairos is our week-long faith formation event, offered each summer for youth who will be 9th-12th graders in the fall. Several times each day we gather the whole Kairos group of about 175 youth and adults for lots of singing and skits and fun and prayers, then participants gather in small groups that meet throughout the week. There are so many beloved features of Kairos: event theme T-shirts, open mic talent show, faith testimonies, comic relief, reflection time, prayer stations, speed friending, T-shirt fashion show, and more! (“Kairos” is the New Testament Greek word for “special time.” It is used whenever God’s people want to talk about a time of change, of renewal, of God’s special work in the believer and the community.) This event is a chance for youth who are already committed to a life of faith to be part of a unique Christian community for an entire week, to have a fresh experience of the grace and presence of God in that community, and to develop habits for discipleship that can be taken home as they live out their baptismal call to be followers of Jesus.