Hello and welcome to Called to Lead. This path explores the meaning of being called, and introduces you to what leadership in the church is like. We hope that this path will help you in your discernment about where God is calling you. But this is just a first step, so if you are still unsure of God’s call, that is perfectly okay.
As people of faith, we believe that call is centered in our baptism. That is, God has joined us to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus so that our lives reflect the ministry of Jesus. Because we are all called to share the good news of Jesus in words and deeds, we believe that all Christians are ministers. We exercise this ministry-or calling- through our relationships, our work, our participation in public life, and in our care of creation. As you can imagine, there are an infinite variety of ways to serve God in the world. Some people exercise their calling through their leadership-either as a volunteer or professionally-in the church. The two ways this is lived out is through lay ministry or rostered ministry as a pastor or deacon.